murphy-slaw's Diaryland Diary


Eata Peta

This weekend I went roller blading for the first time in like... a decade or something. I strapped a harness onto poop-a-sarus (my Great Dane) and headed down to the lake front. You may have seen us out there. Poop-a-sarus is freaking massive. She should eventually top out at 140, but is hovering around 110 right now.

At one point I started getting tired, so just hung back and started throwing little hot dog bits a few feet in front of her and let her pull me -- and PETA people all over the world surely felt a disturbance in the "force" during those moments.

In other news, I stretched the old vocal chords out this weekend as well. A friend of ours was hosting a coffee shop come hang out type of thing, so we went to check it out. It was pretty laid back, but they had a mic and a bitchin' speaker system.

Next thing I knew I was on stage, and singing "Amazing Grace" of all things. It was so fun! People were piling in from adjoining rooms to hear me. Toward the end, I couldn't remember the words, and got the audience to "join in" (read: save my ass) and finish the song with me. A semi flawless coverup!

K, that's all I got today.

1:00 p.m. - 2006-04-24


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