murphy-slaw's Diaryland Diary


Quippy? Deep? ADD?

On my way to work on the train each morning, I usually use it as a time to inventory all the crap in my head - a happy side effect of which is coming up with stuff to write about. I like coming up with short, quippy things that I can write a few semi-intelligent cracks about, post to some blog somewhere, and then drop it and get distracted by something shiny.

Some mornings I ponder world issues too - like gay marriage, immigrant rights, abortion, global warming, etc. The conversations I have with myself are often heated and passionate. I feel deeply about these issues and get frustrated that :

1.) I don't always have the "real" story and am just basing my assumptions on what I read on CNN that morning but am not sure where else to find information. I can trust what I read on the internet right? :)

2.) There is almost never *one* answer to any of the issues, and the answers(s) (if there are any) are numerous, and have dependencies on other things that won't be changing in the next 1000 years because of politics, money, greed, love of power, ignorance, stupidity, incompetence, selfishness, economics, cultural differences and priorities, blah blah blah...

3.) I just get pissed off easily (especially when the issue involves stupid people) and can't/won't stay on point long enough to sort it out.

At which point, I switch back to thinking about how I hate it when fat people wear tiny clothes.

....oooh! shiny!

12:57 p.m. - 2006-05-04


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