murphy-slaw's Diaryland Diary


Mirror Mirror on my scale

So I have been on a diet lately. That coupled with marathon training has made for quick progress and a smaller arse for yours truly. I had been turning into a Fatty Mc Butter-Pants over the last 6 months, and finally decided to take action after my trip to Europe. Just too many pictures of me and my big man arms and tummy pooch for me to handle. So anyway, it's going well. All my cute clothes fit great again now, and a whole new world of fashion has again been opened up to me. It's refreshing to look in the closet in the morning and know that pretty much whatever I grab isn't going to make me feel fluffy.

Which brings me to an interesting series of thoughts. What if I did in fact get as large as say... Delta Burke @ her heaviest? What would that mean for me? Would my life change that much? Would my friends not want to be friends with me anymore? Would I be less funny? Would I be less creative? What would happen if I weren't sporty-girl anymore, and became a woman of uh....much girth? Would I change that much on the inside? Would my husband still love me? I wonder these things fairly often. Unfortunately I am a product of my environment, and apperance plays a role in my self image and sense of self worth. I think most people are affected by this on some level, but definately some more than others. I imagine I would remain the same spunky funny wench that I have become, and would indeed retain the love of my husband and my friends. But I think a part of me would feel like I had failed as a person if I let myself become obese. That somehow, I'd be less of a person by being so much MORE of a person. D reminds me that I shouldn't derive my self worth from my apperance, but instead just be content with who I am right now. It's the only way to remain stable and consistent, else you feel like crap when you're not looking your best. In theory I agree, but I am not sure how to tease body image and self-worth apart, yet. Maybe if I lose 5 more lbs, it'll make more sense? Kidding...maybe. ;)

-MS just bought shares in Coldstone

10:40 a.m. - 2006-08-04


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